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Michigan Criminal Sexual Conduct Defense Attorney

Criminal Sexual Conduct (CSC) charges will make the alleged defendant's life a living hell. Accusations are easily made, and cases take little effort to bring forward. In many cases, it is the traditional "He said – She said" where the state has little or no evidence other than the complainant’s statement. Unfortunately there are also just as many cases where DNA evidence, hospital records, expert testimony, and eye witnesses are presented by the prosecution. I am experienced and have a strong track record of successful outcomes in both types of criminal sexual prosecutions.

At Leslie Posner Law, I defend against felony and misdemeanor sex crime charges ranging from inappropriate touching of a minor to forcible sex against a person's will in state and federal courts. Other areas of expertise include:

If you have been charged with a sex crime or believe you are under investigation for an online sex crime, contact my office toll free at 866-697-7404 or local at 313-628-4711. I provide you with strong defense, regardless of the charge. My thorough investigation may show that the charges you are facing are based on:

Experienced Michigan Criminal Sexual Conduct Lawyer

4th Amendment Rights

In most cases the question of the legality of the search is always at issue as the evidence is usually collected during the search of a person, vehicle or home. Almost all cases begin the search and seizure by the police or federal agents of any evidence connected to the alleged crime. This will often include computers, i-pads, and cell-phones. An experienced attorney will thoroughly investigate these searches and seizures for violations of your 4th Amendment rights that could get a case thrown out of court. Prior to and during these searches law enforcement officials must follow specific procedures to ensure that your Constitutional rights are protected. A well prepared motion stating that the search was performed contrary to the law could result in all the charges in your case being dismissed. At Leslie Posner Law, I first thoroughly review every search warrant and all police investigation materials to determine whether all the evidence in your case was legally obtained.


A Conviction for a sex crime will change your life forever because if convicted in addition to a potential term of incarceration in jail or prison, you will be required to register as a sex offender (SORA). I am an aggressive and passionate advocate who makes sure that none of my client’s will face the powerful arm of the law without an equally powerful defense. My experience as Prosecuting Attorney provides me with a thorough understanding of the prosecutor’s theory of the crime. It also provides me with a good working relationship with the advisory. You will feel confident that I am well-prepared and well-equipped to handle your case.

Call me toll free today at 866-697-7404 or locally at 313-628-4711 to discuss your case. I will tell you up front if I can help you.

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