Michigan Expungement Lawyer
If you have been found guilty for any crime as a juvenile or as an adult, whether a misdemeanor or felony, you know all too well that a criminal conviction on your public record will damage your life.
The difficulties caused by having a public criminal record are virtually always punishing and life altering. Your criminal record has more than likely prevented you from applying for a great job opportunity or trying to further your education.
Call my office to start reversing the devastation inflicted on your life because you were once convicted of a crime.
What Expungement Means For You
If your conviction is set aside or “Expunged” it cannot be seen by the public. This means that potential employers, landlords and schools will never know that you were once convicted of a crime when they perform a background check.
An Expungement will finally allow you to legally state that you have not been convicted of any crimes when you complete applications for:
- Employment
- Schools and Universities
- Public benefits
- Public housing
- Public employment
- Renting or leasing a home
If five or more years have passed since your probation was closed by the court, you were released from jail (without a term of probation), or you were discharged from parole it is time to explore having your criminal record expunged. At Leslie Posner Law, once it is determined that you meet all the eligibility requirements I will quickly begin the work required to provide you with the spotless record you deserve.
To schedule an initial consultation, call Leslie E. Posner, PLLC toll free 866-697-7404, locally at 313-628-4711 or contact my law firm online today by filling out the form on the Contact page. I will help you clean up your past.