Michigan Department of Human Services and Child Protection Services Attorney
Because a child’s safety and welfare maybe at risk, within 24 hours of receiving a report of child abuse or neglect, the Department of Human Services (DHS) must begin its own inquiry or refer the case for investigation to the local prosecuting attorney and law enforcement. If the allegations are deemed credible, either a Child Protective Services (CPS) worker or a prosecuting attorney acting on behalf of DHS will file a petition with the court seeking court jurisdiction over the child.
Being the target of such an investigation is a life changing experience. Parents who are the subject of an investigation into claims that they abused their child will be subjected to a harrowing experience. The persons who are responsible for submitting these reports are either mandatory reporters or interested parties.
Persons that must report allegations of child abuse are called Mandatory Reporters. The list includes doctors, teachers, psychologists, social workers, and similar childcare, healthcare and social services professionals.
An Interested Party can be anybody from a neighbor to a distant relative. Many times CPS is called by one of the parents (or their friends and family) against the other. This frequently happens when parents are engaged in child custody and or parenting time disputes. Unfortunately, at times of Divorce or Friend of the Court hearings it is not uncommon for one parent to make false allegations against the other.
You Must Have a Well Informed Attorney to Explain the Complexities of a CPS Investigation
At Leslie Posner Law, I represent parents who find they are being investigated because of these kinds of false allegations. I have the experience and training and relationship with caseworkers and the courts to separate the truth from the lie. This ability will weed out false claims of abuse before serious damage can be done to my client.
Your Children Can Be Removed From Your Home by Child Protective Services
Because the parent is primarily responsible for the child’s health and wellbeing, when abuse or neglect is alleged, children will be immediately separated from the parent. This separation is for the child’s protection. It can be temporary lasting only until the conclusion of the investigation. It can also be permanent. This occurs when court proceedings are initiated following an investigation. At that time a petition to terminate parental rights will be submitted by CPS or the Prosecuting Attorney.
Parents who are the target of a child abuse and neglect reports are typically completely in the dark. They have no knowledge of the procedures involved in this kind of inquiry as well as court proceedings that often begin after the investigation is concluded.
At Leslie Posner Law, I can provide a step by step understanding of this experience. I can explain your rights and every step of the process. Your knowledge of what is happening to you and your family as well as the potential consequences is essential if you are to survive this invasive, secret, and emotionally crushing experience.
Call me toll free today at 866-697-7404 or locally at 313-628-4711 to discuss your case. I will defend you aggressively, passionately and tirelessly to achieve the best outcome possible with the skill and professionalism you deserve.