Michigan Driver's License Restoration Attorney
Many of my clients with revoked licenses have attempted having their driving privileges restored without hiring an attorney. They believed that once the revocation period was up, getting their license restored was a straight forward and causal process. It can be but in many cases it isn’t.
The Request for Hearing form provided on the Secretary of State website states your rights. The first one listed states:
“You may bring an attorney with you; however, an attorney is not required”
This comment has lured many applicants applying for a hearing before a Driver’s Assessment and Appeal Division (DAAD) into thinking “great, I don’t need (to pay) a lawyer”. This is not true for several reasons. The three most important reasons are:
- At the hearing “you” will need to present clear and concise evidence that you won't drink and drive again. The hearing officers are trained to be tough and make sure you present that evidence. This evidence must be presented in a highly structured format. If one piece is out of place, the hearing officer can immediately deny your plea to restore your license.
- You need to have the best presentation possible when you go before the Hearing Officer. An experienced lawyer can prepare you before the hearing then at the hearing be the one to ask you the important questions. This arrangement is by far better than you sitting alone before the hearing officer trying to figure out what to say.
- If denied you have to wait a full year for another hearing. The loss of income associated with not having a valid driver’s license is by far greater than the cost of having an experienced attorney appear with you at your hearing.
If having your driver’s license privileges restored is a top priority to you, you should do whatever you can to insure you make the best impression at the hearing. In addition to all the above reasons, when you appear for the hearing represented by counsel it signals to the hearing officer that having your license restored important is so important that you went the extra mile and hired a lawyer to represent you at the hearing.
At Leslie Posner Law I will walk you through the process making sure that:
- The required Substance Use Evaluation Is completed correctly
- The required Documentation of Sobriety presented in the form of letters from friends, employers or family correctly documents their relationship to you and their knowledge of your drinking as well as the sober times of your life.
- You will provide acceptable Evidence of Support demonstrating that you are part of a structured support group, preferably AA.
Each step is crucial to a successful DAAD hearing and that all documents are properly executed.
To schedule an initial consultation with me, Michigan Driver's License Restoration attorney Leslie E. Posner, call me at 866-697-7404, or locally 313-628-4711 or you can even contact my law firm online by filling out the Contact form today.